Speaking of hearts, I made this little hanging thing-y for my front window over Valentine's Day...
Please excuse the glare. Crafts are my thing, not photos. Obviously.
I just cut some little hearts out of fabric, stuffed them, stitched them up and hung them on a ribbon.
So, I decided to give this little project a whirl again and share it with you guys. This time...I am tackling Easter. The fun thing about this craft is you can really make one for any holiday and use any colors/fabrics you choose. Pumpkins for Halloween? Little trees for Christmas? Shamrocks for that day we all drink green beer? Whatever floats your boat.
All I needed was: fabric (I used a 1/2 yard of each fabric and I had MORE than enough), stuffing, marker or pen, thread and needle (which I forgot to photograph, so sorry) and ribbon. I also used a big plastic needle to thread the ribbon for hanging, but you don't need that. Any long object will do.
First, I cut my templates. I just used a 4x6" piece of cardstock and cut it into the shape of an egg & the same for the little bunny head.
Then, I traced the little eggs and bunnies onto the fabric & cut them out. I just used my gray Sharpie to trace. My fabric pencil would have probably worked better with less bleeding. Oh well. Lesson learned.
I cut enough for three eggs and 2 bunnies. Bunnies are harder to cut...so I made less of them.
Time to stitch these babies up. I did a simple stitch all the way around the shape leaving about a 1/4" of fabric on the edges. Keep in mind you are going to thread a ribbon through them so you don't want the stitching to be too close together or else you will have one heck of a time getting that ribbon through.
Let's stuff. These take VERY little stuffing. If you don't want to go out and buy a big ol' bag o' fluff...does your kid have an old, unused stuffed animal laying around that you have been secretly wanting to cut the head off? No? Okay. What about that old throw pillow you keep meaning to put in the yard sale? You could even stuff with Kleenex or tissue. Anything to give them a little puff.
I stitched them closed. Cute, huh??
Then, I put the ribbon through. Like I said, I used a plastic needle, but you could even tape the end of the ribbon to a skewer or something similar and push it through. Any spare chopsticks laying around? They work too.
And, there you have it, folks! My little Easter hanging. I did sew some little pearl-like beads onto the bunny's faces. Buttons would be cute too.
This took me all of about 2 hours to complete. If that. I put it together while watching a movie and my kids were napping. I like to create things that are quick or else I find I lose interest. I also like to make things that can easily be created while I park my rear in front of the TV. Have fun "Thinking Spring"! Amy will be back next week (Yay!) and I have enjoyed sharing a couple of my basic ideas with her faithful followers. Thanks for looking! ~ Kelly
Love the hearts and now the bunny and egg combo
great comment about the green beer.
What do you charge for a bunny and egg hanging thingey?
Jodi! You are too sweet. Thanks! I'll email you :)
Kelly, great job and thanks for keeping folks entertained while I escaped the frozen tundra and headed to Disney with the family!
You are the best!
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